Ireland General Election 2024: Two years of anti-immigrant protests have only served to bolster the status quo

On the verge of a General Election which is sure to return Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael to power, continuing their century of unbroken rule, it is crystal clear that two years of agitation over asylum seekers and immigration has done absolutely nothing to bring about badly needed change in Ireland or to improve the lives of working people. Real wealth remains in the hands of a tiny number of people while large sections of the population struggle to make ends meet, state funds are recklessly squandered while communities are left without the facilities and resources they need, the eternal housing crisis continues with young people left to the mercy of landlords or living in their childhood bedroom and the health service remains a mess while the immigrants who form it's backbone are increasingly fearful and questioning of their place in Ireland today. The racists agitators claim their success has been in moving the government parties to the right but this is like puppets claiming to control the puppet master. The government parties have never needed any pressure to move to the right, they will always freely do as the needs of those they represent require. And the working people of Ireland have experienced enough to know that whatever policies Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael (and their mudguard parties) implement one can be sure it will ultimately be in the interest of the rich, native and foreign.

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